DEM Hero Image


DEM Download & Web Services


DEM datasets are available for download thru the Discover GIS Data NY Application, where you can download individual tiles for specific areas of interest.


For bulk download of DEM data we have an FTP site available (

  • We highly recommend using an FTP client (Ex: FileZilla, WinSCP) with auto restart to download these tiles.
  • On Windows machine you can also paste ( into Windows File Explorer and navigate the FTP site.


Web Services

GIS web services allow users to connect to data sources through the internet rather than downloading and storing copies of the data on their own systems. NYS Geospatial Services is pleased to provide access to statewide bare-earth DEM coverage through web services. Users are encouraged to use the services to display and analyze the DEM in their desktop GIS and web applications.

All available NY State DEM data are available through web services hosted by NYS Geospatial Services. The service is hosted on image server so it will allow the end user to not only view the raster DEM but also run some analytics (generate contours, hillshades, etc.) and download portions of the data. 

NYS High Resolution DEM

NYS High Res DEM Status

High resolution bare-earth digital elevation models (DEM) are available for the areas shown. The DEMs were made from multiple LIDAR collection projects. NYS Geospatial Services will be working to make more high resolution DEM data available in the near future.

NYS 1 Meter DEMNYS 2 Meter DEM
NYS 2 Meter DEM2016 Columbia/Rensselaer DEM
 2015 Warren/Washington/Essex DEM
 2015 Madison/Otsego DEM
 2016 Allegany/Steuben DEM
 2017 Southwest Spring DEM
 2017 Southwest Fall DEM
 2018 Cayuga/Oswego DEM
 2019 Erie, Genesee and Livingston
 2020 Central Finger Lakes
 2022 Southeast 4 County

Download DEMs at the Discover GIS Data NY

County High Resolution DEM

County DEM Status

2-meter resolution bare-earth digital elevation models (DEM) are available for the areas shown.  The DEMs were made from multiple LIDAR collection projects. NYS Geospatial Services will be working to make more County high resolution DEM data available in the near future

County 2 Meter DEMTompkins County 2 Meter DEM 



Download County DEMs at the Discover GIS DATA NY

Federal High Resolution DEM

DEC Coastal 1 Meter DEM

Coastal DEM Status

1-meter resolution bare-earth digital elevation models (DEM) are available for the areas shown. The project was developed by NOAA’s Coastal Services Center and the NYS DEC to collect and deliver topographic elevation point data from LIDAR for areas of coastal New York. Data are intended for use in coastal management decision making, including applications related to projected sea level rise and the remapping of Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas.

The Discover GIS Data NY will take you to two different versions of the Coastal LiDAR DEM: a tidal water raster DEM and a hydroflattened raster DEM.  The hydroflattened DEM was produced from the tidal water raster DEM by replacing observed elevations of the tidal water surface with a mean high water surface derived from Vdatum.

Coastal 1 Meter Tidal Water Raster DEMCoastal 1 Meter Tidal Water Raster DEM
Coastal 1 Meter Hydro Flattened DEMCoastal 1 Meter Hydro Flattened DEM

 Download Coastal Dems at Discover GIS data NY

NYC Topobathymetric Data

NYC DEM Status


2017 1-foot resolution topobathymetric digital elevation (DEM) and surface models (DSM), as well as a classified point cloud are available for the areas shown. This project was developed and collected by the New York City Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DoITT), Department of Parks and Recreation (Parks), and the Mayor's Office of Recovery and Resiliency (ORR) as part of a federal Disaster Recovery Community Development Block Grant for disaster recovery and resiliency initiatives. 

DEM datasets were derived from Green and NIR LiDAR data using TIN processing of the ground and bathymetric bottom point returns. Green LiDAR (bathymetric) was used within the water's edge breakline for data splicing shape only (provided as another deliverable) and NIR LiDAR (topographic) was used everywhere outside of this shape. Within the NIR-only portion of the AOI all rivers greater than 20 feet in width and lakes at least 0.25 acres in size have been flattened to consistent elevations. Some smaller streams and ponds were also flattened when deemed appropriate. Water boundary polygons were developed manually and by using automatic algorithms. Elevation values were then assigned to the water's edge from the LiDAR data creating 3D breaklines enforced during model creation to flatten water bodies. Some elevation values inside the NIR-only AOI have been interpolated across areas in the ground model where there is no elevation data (e.g. under dense vegetation). Within the green-only portion of the AOI (inside the low tide breaklines shape), the data has been clipped to avoid triangulation and false interpolation over areas identified as voids in the Bathymetric Coverage Polygon (provided as a separate deliverable). 

For hydroenforced DEMs, additional hydro-enforcement breaklines were created at all artificial obstructions to flow found in the ground model (i.e. culverts) to break the obstruction of water flow. The horizontal datum for all datasets is NAD83, the vertical datum is NAVD88, Geoid 12B, and the data is projected in New York State Plane - Long Island. Units are in US Survey Feet. Quantum Spatial collected the New York City LiDAR data for The City of New York between 05/03/17 and 07/26/17.

NYC 1 foot DEMNYC Topobathymetric 2017 DEM
 NYC Topobathytmetric 2017 DEM Hydroenforced Filled
 NYC Topobathytmetric 2017 DEM Hydroenforced UNfilled
 NYC Topobathymetric 2017 DSM
 NYC Topobathymetric 2017 LiDAR Report (Project Report)

Download NYC Topobathymetric Dems at Discover GIS data NY