About Parcels


The mission of the Statewide Parcel Map Program is to collect, assemble, maintain, and provide access to statewide tax parcel GIS data.

Publicly available GIS tax parcel data is available for Download or as Web Services. You can also use the NYS Assessment Look-Up Tool to put in an X, Y coordinate within New York State and get assessment data information for that location. These standardized parcel datasets are updated once a year. 

While we encourage counties to open their parcel data publicly, we respect each county’s right as the data owner to control the distribution their GIS data. Please contact the county (see resource links below) to obtain GIS parcel data that is not currently open and available to the general public.

Use Limitations: GIS parcel data is for planning and general use purposes only and is not a substitute for a legal parcel survey. The State of New York, acting through the New York State Office of Information Technology Services, makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the use of or reliance on the Data provided. The User accepts the Data provided “as is” with no guarantees that it is error free, complete, accurate, current or fit for any particular purpose and assumes all risks associated with its use. The State disclaims any responsibility or legal liability to Users for damages of any kind, relating to the providing of the Data or the use of it. Users should be aware that temporal changes may have occurred since this Data was created.


Advocacy for more Open Parcel Data in New York State- 2021 Webinar for the NYS GIS Association:

Alternative Text
Alternative Text
Open Parcel Data Webinar 2021



Kate Kiyanitsa, Parcel Program Manager: 518-242-5041, [email protected]

NYS Geospatial Services Main Office: 518-242-5029, [email protected]

Data Download

Parcel Data Download and Web Services
Publicly Available ParcelsDownloadWeb Service
Parcel Centroid PointsDownloadWeb Service
State Owned ParcelsDownloadWeb service

New York State Parcels

The mission of the Statewide Parcel Map Program is to collect, assemble, maintain, and provide access to statewide tax parcel GIS data.

NYS Public Tax Parcels Footprint


Tax Parcel Data:

Currently 36 counties' parcel data is available for download in a single file under a common data schema.

  1. Albany
  2. Cayuga
  3. Chautauqua
  4. Cortland
  5. Erie
  6. Genesee
  7. Greene
  8. Hamilton
  9. Lewis
  10. Livingston
  11. Montgomery
  12. NYC - Bronx
  13. NYC - Kings (Brooklyn)
  14. NYC - New York (Manhattan)
  15. NYC - Queens
  16. NYC - Richmond (Staten Island)
  17. Oneida
  18. Onondaga
  19. Ontario
  20. Orange
  21. Oswego
  22. Otsego
  23. Putnam
  24. Rensselaer
  25. Rockland
  26. Schuyler
  27. St Lawrence
  28. Steuben
  29. Suffolk
  30. Sullivan
  31. Tioga
  32. Tompkins
  33. Ulster
  34. Warren
  35. Wayne
  36. Westchester


Publicly Available Tax Parcel GIS Data is available as a web service:
https://gisservices.its.ny.gov/arcgis/rest/services/ or as a data download.

NYS Tax Parcel Centroid Points

NYS Tax Parcel Centroid Points

Parcel centroid data for all 62 New York State counties. Parcel centroids were generated using the NYS Office of Information Technology Services Geospatial Services Statewide Parcel Map program data. Attribute values were populated using Assessment Roll tabular data Geospatial Services obtained from the NYS Department of Tax and Finance's Office of Real Property Tax Services (ORPTS).

Tax Parcel Centroid Data is available as a web service: https://gisservices.its.ny.gov/arcgis/rest/services/ or as a data download.

NYS Owned Tax Parcels

NYS Owned Tax Parcel

GIS tax parcels determined to be owned by the State of New York in all 62 counties. This designation was based on the tax assessment owner name, internet research, and work with individual State agencies. The State agency that owns and/or operates the tax parcel is also identified. Refinement of this dataset is on-going.

State-Owned Tax Parcel GIS data is available as a web service:
https://gisservices.its.ny.gov/arcgis/rest/services/ or as a data download.

County Parcel Data Resources

(Revised November 2024) 

CountyParcel Data on County WebsiteParcel Data ViewerAdditional Parcel Resources
AlbanyAlbany parcel resourcesAlbany parcel viewerNA
AlleganyAllegany parcel resourcesAllegany parcel viewerAllegany additional
BronxNYC parcel resourcesNYC parcel viewerNYC additional
BroomeBroome parcel resourcesBroome parcel viewerBroome additional
CattaraugusCattaraugus parcel resourcesCattaraugus parcel viewerCattaraugus additional
CayugaCayuga parcel resourcesCayuga parcel viewerCayuga parcel additional
ChautauquaChautauqua parcel resourcesChautauqua parcel viewerChautauqua additional
ChemungChemung parcel resourcesChemung parcel viewerChemung additional
ChenangoChenango parcel resourcesChenango parcel viewerChenango additional
ClintonClinton parcel resourcesClinton parcel viewerClinton additional
ColumbiaColumbia parcel resourcesColumbia parcel viewerColumbia additional
CortlandCortland parcel resourcesCortland parcel viewerCortland additional
DelawareDelaware parcel resourcesDelaware parcel viewerNA
DutchessDutchess parcel resourcesDutchess parcel viewerDutchess additional
ErieErie parcel resourcesErie parcel viewerErie additional
EssexEssex parcel resourcesEssex parcel viewerEssex additional
FranklinFranklin parcel resourcesFranklin parcel viewerFranklin additional
FultonFulton parcel resourcesFulton parcel viewerFulton additional
GeneseeGenesee parcel resourcesGenesee parcel viewerGenesee additional
GreeneGreene parcel resourcesGreene parcel viewerGreene additional
HamiltonHamilton parcel resourcesHamilton parcel viewerHamilton additional
HerkimerHerkimer parcel resourcesHerkimer parcel viewerHerkimer additional
JeffersonJefferson parcel resourcesJefferson parcel viewerJefferson additional
Kings (Brooklyn)NYC parcel resourcesNYC parcel viewerNYC additional
LewisLewis parcel resourcesLewis parcel viewerLewis additional
LivingstonLivingston parcel resourcesLivingston parcel viewerLivingston additional
MadisonMadison parcel resourcesNAMadison additional
MonroeMonroe parcel resourcesMonroe parcel viewerMonroe additional
MontgomeryMontgomery parcel resourcesNAMontgomery additional
NassauNassau parcel resourcesNassau parcel viewerNassau additional
New York (Manhattan)NYC parcel resourcesNYC parcel viewerNYC additional
NiagaraNiagara parcel resourcesNiagara parcel viewerNiagara additional
OneidaOneida parcel resourcesOneida parcel viewerOneida additional
OnondagaOnondaga parcel resourcesOnondaga parcel viewerOnondaga additional
OntarioOntario parcel resourcesOntario parcel viewerOntario additional
OrangeOrange parcel resourcesOrange parcel viewerOrange additional
OrleansOrleans parcel resourcesOrleans parcel viewerOrleans additional
OswegoOswego parcel resourcesOswego parcel viewerOswego additional
OtsegoOtsego parcel resourcesOtsego parcel viewerOtsego additional
PutnamPutnam parcel resourcesPutnam parcel viewerPutnam additional
QueensNYC parcel resourcesNYC parcel viewerNYC additional
RensselaerRensselaer parcel resourcesNARensselaer additional
Richmond (Staten Island)NYC parcel resourcesNYC parcel viewerNYC additional
RocklandRockland parcel resourcesRockland parcel viewerRockland additional
SaratogaSaratoga parcel resourcesSaratoga parcel viewerSaratoga additional
SchenectadySchenectady parcel resourcesSchenectady parcel viewerSchenectady additional
SchoharieSchoharie parcel resourcesSchoharie parcel viewerSchoharie additional
SchuylerSchuyler parcel resourcesSchuyler parcel viewerSchuyler additional
SenecaSeneca parcel resourcesNASeneca additional
St LawrenceSt Lawrence parcel resourcesSt Lawrence parcel viewerSt Lawrence additional
SteubenSteuben parcel resourcesSteuben parcel viewerSteuben additional
SuffolkSuffolk parcel resourcesSuffolk parcel viewerSuffolk additional
SullivanSullivan parcel resourcesSullivan parcel viewerSullivan additional
TiogaTioga parcel resourcesTioga parcel viewerTioga additional
TompkinsTompkins parcel resourcesTompkins parcel viewerTompkins additional
UlsterUlster parcel resourcesUlster parcel viewerUlster additional
WarrenWarren parcel resourcesWarren parcel viewerWarren additional
WashingtonWashington parcel resourcesWashington parcel viewerWashington additional
WayneWayne parcel resourcesWayne parcel viewerWayne additional
WestchesterWestchester parcel resourcesWestchester parcel viewerWestchester additional
WyomingWyoming parcel resourcesWyoming parcel viewerWyoming additional
YatesYates parcel resourcesNAYates additional


The Statewide Parcel Map program is the formalization of work that has been going on in New York for more than a decade.

As far back as 2004, the NYS Geospatial Advisory Council identified tax parcel boundary and land ownership information as one of three framework data sets necessary for governments to effectively use and benefit from GIS technology.

During 2007-2008, the Office Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructure Coordination utilized a USGS CAP grant to develop the NYS GIS Strategic Plan. The Geospatial Advisory Council and the NYS GIS Association collaborated.  In addition to identifying very high demand for parcel data across the stakeholder community, the plan's recommendations included five prioritized initiatives that would advance the geospatial programs within the state. The highest priority recommendation was to "[f]ormally pursue a program to develop a statewide parcel data layer…" (p.38)

In 2011, the Office of Cyber Security utilized another CAP grant to develop the Business Plan for Centralized Access to Consistent Cadastral Data which identified that at least a dozen NYS agencies undertake independent efforts to gather, standardize and utilize tax parcel data. It also identified "enormous barriers" to gaining universal acceptance of sharing and standardization of the data.

In 2014, the NYS Information Technology Services (ITS) GIS Program Office (GPO) created the Statewide Parcel Map Program and began the work of collecting GIS tax parcel data from counties and incorporating it into a statewide dataset under a common data schema for release to the public. 

As of 2023, the GPO is now NYS Geospatial Services under the ITS Chief Data Office (CDO). The Statewide Parcel Map Program continues to create a yearly standardized parcel dataset and shares it as widely as each county, as the parcel data owners, allow it to be shared.


    Parcel Business Plan 2011

    The New York State GIS Coordinating Body (CB) and New York State Office of Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructure Coordination (now the Office of Cyber Security, or OCS) identified the development of a statewide parcel layer as one of the highest priority recommendations resulting from the 2008 Strategic Plan. This business plan lays out the steps required to achieve this goal and describes the business case for investing in a statewide parcel data layer.



Contact Kate Kiyanitsa

Questions about GIS data can also be addressed to the NY GIS users listserv (GISNY-L), an open, unmoderated list developed to promote discussion of GIS-related subjects, particularly as they pertain to New York State.

Contact us by phone:

Kate Kiyanitsa - Parcels & Civil Boundaries Programs Manager518-242-5041
NYS Geospatial Services Main Office518-242-5029

Contact us by email:

Mailing Address:

Harriman State Office Campus
1220 Washington Ave, Bldg. 5- Floor 1, Cube 1-092
Albany, NY 12226