Mission Statement

The State Agency Advisory Group to the New York State Geospatial Advisory Council was established to address GIS interests specific to state government in New York. As an advisory group, its primary responsibilities are to raise issues and provide feedback about the impact of relevant GIS matters from a state agency perspective. The group also serves to provide a forum for information exchange regarding current statewide GIS programs, initiatives, and activities with which the agencies are involved.


Chair: Christina Croll

Barnes, GISP, Katherine
Cartographic Technician 3
PH: 518-402-8964
FAX: 518-402-8925
NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC)
625 Broadway
NYS DEC Habitat Inventory Unit
Albany, New York  12233-4754
State Government
Baum, Jason
PH: 518-242-5034
NYS GIS Program Office 
1220 Washington Avenue
Bldg. 5, Flr. 1 State Campus
Albany, New York  12226
State Government
Baumbach, Philip F.
PH: 518-523-1655
FAX: 518-523-9275
NYS Olympic Regional Development Authority
Olympic Center - Main Street
Lake Placid, New York  12946
State Government
Brand, Kim
PH: 518-287-6913
FAX: 518-287-6922
New York Power Authority
397 Power Plant Access Road
Blenheim-Gilboa Power Project, Real Estate Div
Gilboa, New York  12076
 State Government
Calabrese , AnthonyNYS Senate
Albany, New York  
 State Government
Carey, Matthew
GIS Professional
PH: 518-474-5364
FAX: 518-474-0413
NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets 
3 Empire State Plaza
Albany, New York  12223

NYS Public Service Commission 
3 Empire State Plaza
Albany, New York  12223
State Government
Croll, Christina
PH: 518-473-7787
FAX: 518-474-7013
NYS Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation 
625 Broadway, 2nd Floor
Albany, New York  12238
State Government
Daly, Timothy
GIS Analyst
PH: 518-402-9872
NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC) 
625 Broadway
3rd Floor
Albany, New York  12233-2750
State Government
Daugherty, Marsha
PH: 518-474-8165
NYS Office of the State Comptroller
110 State Street, 11th Floor
Albany, New York  12236
State Government
DeGironimo, Elisabetta
Director of NYS GIS Program Office / Deputy GIO
PH: 518-242-5048
NYS GIS Program Office
1220 Washington Avenue
State Campus, Bldg 5, Flr 1
Albany, New York  12226
State Government
Dietrich, Mickey
PH: 315-785-2389
NYS Tug Hill Commission 
Dulles State Office Building
317 Washington Street
Watertown, New York  13601-3782
Local & State Government
Dlugolecki, David
Director, Bureau of Data Management and Analysis
PH: 5184741192
NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance 
40 North Pearl Street 14A
Albany, New York  12243
State Government
Done, Douglas
Research Scientist
PH: 518-473-2185
FAX: 518-402-7959
NYS Dept. of Health (NYS DOH)
Empire State Plaza-Corning Tower
Bureau of Environmental & Occupational Epidemiology,Room 1203
Albany, New York  12237
State Government
Drake, Michael
PH: 518-474-8704
FAX: 518-402-4015
NYS Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control
80 S Swan Street
Suite 900
Albany, New York  12210-8002
State Government
Engstrom, Gerald
PH: 518-485-8921
NYS GIS Program Office 
1220 Washington Avenue
Bldg. 5, Flr. 1, State Campus
Albany, New York  12226
State Government
Ettere, David
Manager GIS & Mapping
PH: 914-287-3297
FAX: 518-287-3294
New York Power Authority
New York Power Authority
123 Main Street
White Plains, New York  10601
State Government
Farrell, Gerald
PH: 518-474-3680
NYS Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) 
44 Holland Avenue
Albany, New York  12229
State Government
Fields, AnyƩe
GIS Specialist
PH: 518-436-3125
NYS Thruway Authority 
200 Southern Boulevard
Albany, New York  12209
State Government
Fleury, BrianNYS Office of Renewable Energy Siting (ORES)
W.A Harriman Campus, Bldg 9
1220 Washington Avenue
Albany, New York  12226
State Government
Fox, John
PH: 5184749591
NYS Office of Children and Family Services 
52 Washington St.
South Bld. Rm 314
Rensselaer, New York  12144
State Government
Garrison, Jordan
GIS Specialist
PH: 518-471-5973
NYS Thruway Authority
200 Southern Boulevard
Albany, New York  12209
State Government
Geis, Scott
PH: 518-242-8295
NYS GIS Program Office
1220 Washington Avenue
Bldg. 5, Flr. 1, State Campus
Albany, New York  12226
State Government
Genovesi , JoeNYS Dept. of Motor Vehicles (DMV) 
Albany, New York  
State Government
Giddings, Mark
PH: 518-402-7109
NYS Dept. of Health (NYS DOH) (State Government)
Riverview Center, 6th floor - ERSU
150 Broadway
Albany, New York  12204
State Government
Hart, Brian
PH: 518-402-7860
NYS Dept. of Health (NYS DOH)
Albany, New York  
State Government
Hay, MathewNYS Dept. of Health (NYS DOH) State Government
Heaton, Sean
NYS Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation
Field Services Bureau, Peebles Island State Park
PO Box 189
Waterford, New York  12188-0189
State Government
Hegeman, Melissa Albino
GIS and Data Coordinator, Division of Marine Resources
PH: 631-444-0464
NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC)
205 North Belle Mead Rd, Suite 1
East Setauket, New York  11733
State Government
Heim, DoughNYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance
40 North Pearl Street 14A
Albany, New York  12243
State Government
Held, Jim
Economic Development Program Admin. 1 (EF)
PH: (518) 292-5310
NYS Empire State Development Corp
625 Broadway
Albany, New York  12245
State Government
Herter, Jeff
Division of Community Resilience and Regional Programs
PH: 518-474-6000
FAX: 518-473-2464
NYS Dept. of State (DOS) (State Government)
Office of Planning & Development, 1 Commerce Plaza
99 Washington Street
Albany, New York  12231-0001
State Government
Hill, Ralph
Real Estate Officer 1
PH: 518-473-6572
FAX: 518-474-0011
NYS Office of General Services (OGS)
Corning Tower
39 Floor
Albany, New York  12242
State Government
Hockeson, CarolNYS Information Technology Services (ITS) (State GovernmentState Government
Holt, Mark
Senior Forest Appraiser-Office of Real Property Tax Services
PH: 518-891-1780
NYS Department of Taxation and Finance, Office of Real Property Tax Services (ORPTS)
884 State Route 86
PO Box 309
Ray Brook, New York  12977
State Government
Hunt, Kevin
GIS Manager
PH: 518-485-7152
NYS Dept. of Transportation (DOT) 
50 Wolf Rd.
Pod 2-1
Albany, New York  12232
State Government
Insaf, Tabassum
Research Director,
PH: (518) 402-7959
NYS Dept. of Health (NYS DOH) 
1203 Corning Tower
Empire State Plaza
Albany, New York  12237
State Government
Jabot, Michael
PH: 716-673-3639
SUNY Fredonia 
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
E250 Thompson Hall
Fredonia, New York  14063
State Government
Johnson, Matthew
PH: 315-785-2380 257
FAX: 315-785-2574
NYS Tug Hill Commission 
317 Washington Street
Watertown, New York  13601
State Government
Jordan, Molly
Mapping Technologist 1
PH: 518-891-4050 156
FAX: 518-891-3938
NYS Adirondack Park Agency
PO Box 99
1133 NYS Route 86
Ray Brook, New York  12977
State Government
Kinal, Brent
Renewable Energy Siting Specialist II
PH: 518-473-4468
Renewable Energy Siting (ORES) Office of 1220 Washington  Avenue
W. A. Harriman Campus Building 9
Albany, New York  12226
State Government
Kiyanitsa, Katherine
PH: 518-242-5041
NYS GIS Program Office 
1220 Washington Avenue
Bldg. 5, Flr. 1, State Campus
Albany, New York  12226
State Government
Langella, Jeffrey
PH: 518-242-5029
NYS GIS Program Office 
1220 Washington Avenue
Bldg. 5, Flr. 1, State Campus
Albany, New York  12226
State Government
Lasch, Joseph
GIS Manager
PH: 518-402-5053
FAX: 518-474-0413
NYS Public Service Commission
Three Empire State Plaza
14th Floor
Albany, New York  12223-1350
State Government
Lauridsen, Peter
PH: 518-473-7692
FAX: 518-473-2464
NYS Dept. of State (DOS)
One Commerce Plaza
99 Washington Ave, Suite 1010
Albany, New York  12210
State Government
Lawson, Catherine
PH: 518-442-4775
FAX: 518-442-4742
SUNY University at Albany
Arts & Sciences Building 218
Geography and Planning Dept.
Albany, New York  12222-0001
Lee, Ph.D., Furrina F
Research Scientist IV, Bureau of Cancer Epidemiology
PH: 518-474-2255
FAX: 518-474-0971
NYS Dept. of Health (NYS DOH)
150 Broadway, Suite 361
Albany, New York  12204-2719
State Government
Li, Rui
Assistant Professor, Geography and Planning
SUNY University at Albany
1400 Washington Ave.
University at Albany
Albany, New York  12222
Marino, John
GIS Applications Developer
PH: 518-402-8934
NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC) 
625 Broadway
5th Floor
Albany, New York  12233-4757
State Government
Marinov, April
PH: 518-402-831
NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC) 
625 Broadway
Albany, New York  
State Government
Messier, Scarlett
PH: 518-402-7880
NYS Dept. of Health (NYS DOH) 
547 River Street
Troy, New York  12180
State Government
Mezzadonna, Nicholas
NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance 
40 North Pearl Street 14A
Albany, New York  12243
State Government
Newell, Rebecca
Supervisor, GIS and Special Projects Unit
PH: 518-486-7669
FAX: 518-473-2464
NYS Dept. of State (DOS) (State Government)
99 Washington Avenue
One Commerce Plaza
Albany, New York  12231
State Government
Nguyen, Hieu
PH: 518-486-7635
NYS Council on Children and Families (State Government)
52 Washington Street
West Building, Suite 99
Rensselaer, New York  12144
State Government
Nolan, Beth
PH: 518-242-8272
NYS GIS Program Office (State Government)
1220 Washington Avenue
Bldg. 5, Flr. 1, State Campus
Albany, New York  12226
State Government
O'Connor, Christopher
GIS Client Officer
PH: 518-402-9140
NYS Office of Information Technology Services (ITS) 
State Campus
Bldg 5, Flr 1
Albany, New York  12226
State Government
O'Keefe, Sean
PH: 5184029871
NYS Office of Information Technology Services (ITS)
625 Broadway
Albany, New York  
State Government
Owen, Matthew
GIS Coordinator
PH: 315-755-6403
Watertown, City of
245 Washington Street
Watertown, New York  13601
Local Government
Papineau, HilaryNYS Office of the State Comptroller 
Albany, New York  
State Government
Rockwell, Stephanie
Mapping Technologist 2
PH: 518-449-6058
NYS Canal Corporation
30 South Pearl Street
Albany, New York  12207
State Government
Salo, Warren
GIS Supervisor
PH: 315-269-0347
Development Authority of the North Country
23557 NYS Route 37
Watertown, New York  13601
State Government
Sango-Jordan, Marilyn
Research Scientist
PH: (518) 474-2255
NYS Dept. of Health (NYS DOH) 
150 Broadway, Suite 361
Albany, New York  12204-2719
State Government
Sayers, Robert
Division of Marine Resources
NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC)
123 Kings Park Blvd
Kings Park, New York  11754
State Government
Schifferli, Michael
Historic Preservation Program Analyst
PH: 518-237-8643 3281
FAX: 518-233-9049
NYS Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation 
Field Services Bureau, Peebles Island State Park
PO Box 189
Waterford, New York  12188-0189
State Government
Shackman, Gene
Public Health Information Group
PH: 518-474-2543
NYS Dept. of Health (NYS DOH)
NYS DOH - Public Health Information Group
Corning Tower
Albany, New York  12204
State Government
Shepherd, Matthew
NYS Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation
PO Box 189
Waterford, New York  12188-0189
State Government
Skochko, Samira
PH: 518-473-3976
NYS Dept. of Health (NYS DOH)
Asthma Surveillance and Evaluation Manager
Corning Tower
Albany, New York  12204
State Government
Smith, Jenny
PH: 518-408-5509
NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC) 
625 Broadway - 3rd Floor
Albany, New York  12233-2750
State Government
Sorbaro, KristinNYS Office of General Services (OGS)
Corning Tower, Empire State Plaza
Office of General Services
Albany, New York  12242
State Government
Stevens, Amanda
Senior Project Manager
PH: 518-862-1091
NYS Energy Research & Development Authority (NYSERDA) 
17 Columbia Circle
Albany, New York  12203
State Government
Stratton, Bradford
PH: 518-862-1090 x3052
NYS Energy Research & Development Authority (NYSERDA) 
17 Columbia Circle
Albany, New York  12203-6399
State Government
Sullivan, Kian
Sr. Forest Appraiser
PH: 518-530-5363
NYS Department of Taxation and Finance
884 Route 86
PO Box 309
Ray Brook, New York  12977
State Government
Tobin, Amber
Research Scientist
PH: 5184574753
NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports 
Division of Data Management, Research & Planning
1450 Western Ave.
Albany, New York  12203
State Government
Towers, Chelsea
Historic Preservation Program Analyst
PH: 518.268.2129
NYS Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation
Peebles Island State Park
P.O. Box 189
Waterford, New York  12188-0189
State Government
Willis, Lucius
Computer Cartographer
PH: 607-777-6155
SUNY University at Binghamton
PO Box 6000
Geography Dept.
Binghamton, New York  13902-6000
Wischman, GISP, Dennis
PH: 607-652-7366
NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC) 
65561 St. Hwy 10
Suite 1
Stamford, New York  12167-9503
State Government

Wu, D Pei

Environmental Scientist
PH: 518-776-2407

NYS Office of the Attorney General

Environmental Protection Bureau
The Capital

Albany, NY 12224

State Government
Zalewski, Ken
Manager of Application Development
PH: 518-455-2912
NYS Senate 
Agency Building 4
2nd Floor
Albany, New York  12247
State Government
Zitowsky, Robert
Senior Transportation Analyst
PH: 518-485-8406
NYS Dept. of Transportation (DOT) 
50 Wolf Road
POD 5-3
Albany, New York  12223
State Government

Upcoming Meetings

  • September 17, 2024

Meeting Minutes